Struggling under the weight of a high car insurance premium can be absolutely crippling. It's hard enough to muster up the funds to pay for the car note, but when you add in an expensive monthly insurance bill, the price can be too much to bear. If this is your current situation, you're probably trying to figure out why your auto insurance has to be so high. Some of the contributing factors are directly under your control. Keep reading to see what they are.
It's Not You: It's Your Zip Code
You might have a pristine driving record. You have never been in an accident, have no moving violations, and have been an excellent driver for many years now. That's why it can be so upsetting when you call around for an insurance quote and are repeatedly given a ridiculously high figure. Because so many companies keep giving you such an astronomical number, it would seem that all you can do is pay it.
What you may not realize is that even though you have a wonderful driving record, your zip code might be the hidden culprit behind your expensive premium. Certain areas that are known for vehicle break-ins, vandalism, and car theft are on the radar of these insurance companies. Because there's a greater risk of one of these things happening in noted zip codes, the insurer has to cover themselves by charging more for the protection.
A good way to get around this is to consider moving to another part of town. Use this website to research the zip code that you're thinking about moving too in order to make sure that you won't be in the same situation all over again.
Your Car Lacks Safety Features
Although you might be head over heels in love with your car, you need to take an objective look at it. Does the vehicle have safety features such as anti-lock brakes, an updated alarm system, and a rear-backing camera? These are the kinds of features that can help you avoid accidents and theft. Insurers offer substantial discounts to people who have these kinds of features in their car.
If your car doesn't have these things, it's not too late to add them on. Once you do, call up your insurer to make them aware of the changes and to see if you qualify for a discount.
With a few slight tweaks, you could find yourself with a much more affordable insurance premium. You'll be able to breathe a sigh of relief instead of a gasp of horror each time you look at your new rate.